Crabgrass Problem? Here's How Fertilizer Can Help in the Andover, MA Area

Are you trying to keep your Andover, MA lawn looking pristine, but noticing that you are having an issue with crabgrass popping up? You are likely wanting your landscape to look the best possible for not only you and your guests, but also for your neighbors’ sake. When crabgrass begins to invade your lawn, it can quickly become an eyesore and detrimental to the health of your grass. A regular schedule of fertilization can keep your lawn healthy, which will deter crabgrass. Here is how a regular fertilizer schedule can keep your lawn healthy.

Related: How Often Does a Lawn Care Company Recommend Lawn Fertilization in the Andover, MA, Area?

How Lawn Fertilizer Works

Fertilizer will not entirely prevent or treat a crabgrass problem, but it can certainly help. Knowing how fertilizer works will help you understand how it can contribute to preventing weeds. Just like we need vitamins, grass needs certain nutrients to grow and thrive. The three main nutrients that are needed for a healthy lawn are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. The most important nutrient for the health of grass is nitrogen. Nitrogen helps with healthy development, including protein formation. Phosphorus will help your lawn store and energy, which is important for the process of photosynthesis. The last nutrient is potassium, which will help the grass resist diseases and pests.

When your lawn is regularly fertilized, these nutrients will be applied to your lawn in order to keep it as healthy as possible. The ratios will vary throughout the seasons and depend on the individual needs of your grass. Working with a lawn care professional will ensure that you have a knowledgeable eye to assess your grass and determine what fertilizer formula is needed.

A lawn that is healthy is more resistant to weed growth, including crabgrass. Crabgrass is more likely to attack an unhealthy lawn that cannot resist weeds. There is always the possibility of weeds popping up in your yard, but effective fertilizer can lower the chances.

Combining Fertilizer and Weed Control

Many times, a lawn care company will recommend utilizing fertilizer along with weed control services. Pre-emergent weed control services can help prevent weeds from growing in the first place before they are able to establish themselves in your grass. If weeds have already appeared and established themselves in your lawn, then a post-emergent weed killer will be needed.

By combining fertilizer and weed control, you will keep your lawn healthy and strong while also preventing and eliminating weeds. This is the perfect combination to allow you and your guests to enjoy a weed-free lawn.

Professional Grade Fertilizers

When you seek the help of lawn care experts, you will have access to professional grade products that you may not have access to as a homeowner. Professional grade fertilizers can be more customized to fit the specific needs of your lawn. Your grass is going to have different needs than even your next door neighbors so it is important to get the appropriate ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium for your lawn as exact as possible.

The nutrients that are in professional grade fertilizers are also typically released slower, which is allowing the root system to absorb them more effectively. In turn, this will lead to a healthier lawn that is more prepared to resist weeds and disease.

Related: A Look at Programs Provided by a Lawn Care Company in the Andover and Harvard, MA Areas

About the Author

As a local, family-owned company that’s been in business for over 60 years, we have unrivaled experience and a respected reputation within the lawn care industry. We stand by our quality of work, friendly service, and level of communication.


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