How Often Does a Lawn Care Company Recommend Lawn Fertilization in the Andover, MA, Area?

Maintaining a healthy, lush, and thriving lawn comes from a consistent lawn maintenance routine. A reliable lawn care company will be able to assess your lawn and determine exactly what the needs are to have the best looking lawn possible. Many lawn fertilization programs involve applying fertilizer multiple times throughout the growing season. Knowing when to fertilize can be tricky, but the help of the experts in the Andover, MA, area will have your lawn looking pristine all year long. 

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Importance of a Schedule

How and when your lawn care is performed has a major impact on the overall health of your lawn. It is worthwhile to hire the experts and allow them to determine the best schedule for your individual lawn when it comes to not only fertilization, but mowing and weeding as well as other lawn care needs. By hiring a lawn care company, you do not have to worry about maintaining the proper schedule and can instead enjoy a beautiful, lush lawn every time you step outside. 

Fertilization Schedule

Your lawn will need applications of fertilizer throughout the year. Many lawn care companies will apply at certain times of year including:

Spring Fertilizer

Spring can be an ideal time to apply fertilizer because your grass is beginning to grow following the cold winter weather and this can give your lawn the boost it needs to remain healthy and continue to grow. Following the harsh winter months, your lawn can be depleted of nutrients and fertilizer will help restore these essential nutrients.  

Summer Fertilizer

The hot summer months can take a toll on your grass. During these particularly warm months, your lawn is going to continue to grow and the application of fertilizer will help it withstand the heat while also preventing it from drying out. 

Fall Fertilizer

Most likely, your lawn care company will apply fertilizer in the early fall months as well as the later fall months. Following a warm summer, your grass will need to be fed in order to continue to provide the essential nutrients. This can also be an excellent time to also consider aeration, which will remove plugs from the grass and soil and allow nutrients to actually reach the root system. A late fall fertilizer will prepare your lawn for the dormant winter months and give it the nutrients that are needed to continue to remain healthy even underneath the ice and snow. 

Why Is Fertilization Important?

Just as we need vitamins and food, your lawn needs the proper nutrients and food to flourish and grow. Fertilizer provides the essential nutrients to boost the health of the grass so that it can withstand hot summers and cold winters as well as ward off pests and disease. 

In most cases, soil alone does not contain these nutrients and therefore fertilization is required if you want to have a lawn that is the envy of the neighborhood. Fertilizer typically has three main components that provide everything the grass will need. 

Nitrogen is one of the common nutrients in fertilizer. It not only helps with protein formation, but it also ensures overall health. Potassium is going to assist your lawn in warding off disease, which can not only lead to lawn damage, but it can kill the grass as well. Phosphorus is the third nutrient that is typically found in fertilizer and it will help your lawn produce and store energy through photosynthesis.

About the Author

As a local, family-owned company that’s been in business for over 60 years, we have unrivaled experience and a respected reputation within the lawn care industry. We stand by our quality of work, friendly service, and level of communication.


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