The Connection Between Mosquito Control and Lawn Care in the Northborough, MA Area

The Connection Between Mosquito Control and Lawn Care in the Northborough, MA Area

Mosquitoes can ruin a fun outdoor activity quickly so controlling them can be a crucial part of spending time in your Northborough, MA Area outdoor areas. Did you know that a lawn care service can handle mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, and more so you can relax and stay outside for hours? Protect your home and lawn from mosquitoes and more with the effective applications your lawn care team schedules. 

For some people, a mosquito bite is annoying but for others, it can cause a dangerous allergic reaction. These pests can transmit several diseases that can cause neurological problems and lingering health issues. Fortunately, your lawn care team can handle them for you as part of the regular lawn care services. 

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Lawn Care Services for Mosquitoes 

Regular high-quality lawn care can be a strong deterrent to mosquito infestation. A lawn care team can assess the need for other treatments to keep your lawn pest-free. 

Weekly Trimming 

Since mosquitoes like to lay eggs in damp, shady spaces, weekly lawn mowing can ensure the grass is not too high, creating a space where they can deposit eggs. As they mow, any damp areas can be noted and the irrigation can be adjusted to water the area without leaving it too wet. 

Eliminating Standing Water

Puddles that collect on the lawn and standing water that fills ditches can be ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes. A lawn care team can note the standing water to recommend solutions such as dry basins and other drainage measures that remove the water and therefore, the breeding ground. 

Mosquito-Repelling Plants 

Certain plants added to landscape beds can repel mosquitoes. Citronella, catnip, and lavender deter mosquitoes from staying around so incorporating some of these plants in the landscape area can help. 

Yard Defense Applications 

Your lawn care service can apply a barrier around the yard that prevents mosquitoes from staying around the grass and the house. This treatment can be for hotspots, or areas where they know these insects are found, and other places in the lawn to stop itchy bites. 

They also have an organic option if you prefer not to use chemicals in the grass. Using natural cedar oil in regular applications can deter mosquitoes and ticks from finding a home in your outdoor areas. 

Choosing Professional Lawn Care 

If you don’t already have professional lawn care that handles all the tasks that ensure a thriving, lovely outdoor space, here are some reasons to change that status. Selecting a local, family-owned business means you have lawn care services with unparalleled quality. 

Their products are top-of-the-line and proven to be effective to support the growth and health of your grass and plants. Lawn care technicians have extensive training and certifications to care for every part of the landscape. Their goal for every service is personalized care that goes the extra mile. 

Lawn care and pest control go hand in hand and the best way to handle lawn pests and diseases can be with services that address the issues with effective solutions. Protecting your lawn and landscape but especially your family and pets should always be at the forefront of your lawn care decisions. 

Enjoy your lawn with confidence when the mosquitoes and other pests are far, far away. 

Related: Say Goodbye to Weeds With Effective Weed Killer and Crabgrass Control in the Northborough, MA Area

About the Author

As a local, family-owned company that’s been in business for over 60 years, we have unrivaled experience and a respected reputation within the lawn care industry. We stand by our quality of work, friendly service, and level of communication.


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